Rust for a safe and sustainable future

主论坛 (Plenary)
🕒 2023-10-28 02:00 ~ 2023-10-28 02:10
  • Rebecca Rumbul
    • Rebecca Rumbul
    • Rust Foundation
    • Executive Director & CEO
    • Rebecca is the Executive Director and CEO of the Rust Foundation, a global non-profit stewarding the Rust language, supporting maintainers, and ensuring that Rust is safe, secure, and sustainable for the future. She holds a PhD in Politics and Governance, and has worked as a consultant and researcher with governments, parliaments and development agencies all over the world, advocating for openness and transparency, and developing tools to improve digital participation. In addition to her full-time and consultancy roles, Rebecca is a Non-Executive Director and Council Member for the UK Advertising Standards Authority, and a Trustee of the Hansard Society.

