
COSCon 2019 动手训练营

  1. Node.js Code+Learn Workshop
    1. 张秋怡
  2. 如何基于开源方案快速建立起一个线下 Hackthon 的支持平台
    1. 白宦成
  3. freeCodeCamp 前端动手训练营
    1. 于航
  4. Hands-on Pinpoint Plugin Workshop: How to trace your system down to the code level
    1. 受众收获
    2. 课前准备
    3. Jeong HyunGil
  5. Intelligence In Ads (IIA) introduction and beyond
    1. Hu Xun
  6. 教你如何使用 bRPC 快速搭建一个高性能的 RPC 服务
    1. 谭中意
  7. 参考文档

Workshop 这种活动形式,国内的小伙伴们可能了解不多。它直译过来通常叫工作坊,意译又称作动手训练营,是一种重在现场实操的技术活动。它与我们学生时代的“上机实验课”很像,但需要参与者带着自己的电脑,通过现场提供的多元化技术平台(如开源社自研的开放黑客松平台),亲身体验各类新技术,快速上手~

Node.js Code+Learn Workshop

技术类别 内容难度 演讲语言
云计算 入门 汉语

本次工作坊将教大家如何给 Node.js 社区提交代码,贡献 Node.js 仓库。并尽量能给每个人分配实战小练习,让大家都能体验一次给 Node.js 提交代码。



她目前工作于 Igalia 的编译器团队,也是 Node.js Technical Steering Committee 的成员以及 V8 committer。

如何基于开源方案快速建立起一个线下 Hackthon 的支持平台

技术类别 内容难度 演讲语言
云计算 入门 汉语

在本场工作坊中,白宦成将分享如何基于开源方案,快速建立起一个 Hackthon 的线下活动平台,帮助与会者建立起自己的 Hackthon 活动平台,并分享一些 Hackthon 举办的重点和要点工作。



腾讯云 - 工程师
Linux 中国 - 技术合伙人、布道师

freeCodeCamp 前端动手训练营

技术类别 内容难度 演讲语言
Web 前端 入门 汉语

freeCodeCamp.org 是一个注册在美国的非营利组织,创立于 2014 年,以“帮助人们免费学习编程”为使命,创建了大量免费的编程教程。我们的线下开发者社区遍布全球 160 多个国家、2000 多个城市。在这里,你可以和社区的小伙伴一起开启全新的编程学习之路。我们正在帮助全球数百万人学习编程,其中有数千人由此找到了他们的第一份软件开发者工作,改善了他们的事业和生活。

通过本次训练营我们将使用 FCC 官方的免费前端挑战课程来让大家对前端基本技术及网页的基本组成结构有一个主观的、第一视角的印象。



PayPal - Web 前端工程师
freeCodeCamp 上海社区 - 负责人
  • 曾在阿里巴巴本地生活、Tapatalk 等国内外企业工作,现在 PayPal 上海负责 Global GRT 平台相关的技术研发工作;
  • FCC (freeCodeCamp China) 上海技术社区负责人;
  • 多次 QCon、GMTC 大会讲师;
  • WebAssembly 技术布道者,2017 年注册成为 W3C 官方 CG 成员,定期参与 CG 组织的各种在线视频研讨会议,在跟进 Wasm 最新发展情况的同时也为 Wasm 的标准化提出自己的建议和意见。

2018 年深度参与到 Emscripten 编译器工具链项目的研发工作中,同年出版名为《深入浅出 WebAssembly》的国内第一本 Wasm 技术书籍,为推动国内 Wasm 技术的发展和落地实践做出了微小的贡献。

研究领域主要为前端基础技术架构、 Serverless、WebAssembly、LLVM 及编译器等相关方向。

Hands-on Pinpoint Plugin Workshop: How to trace your system down to the code level

技术类别 内容难度 演讲语言
微服务 进阶 英语

Pinpoint is currently one of the most popular open-source APMs in China, capable of distributed tracing with code-level visibility.

  • This interactive workshop kicks off with an introduction to how distributed tracing works in general, and how Pinpoint works internally to trace your applications over multiple nodes all the way down to the code level.
  • We will build a brand new plugin together from scratch, discussing various issues such as deciding tracepoints and class load time/runtime considerations, so that everyone will gain the first-hand experience in making a Pinpoint plugin.
  • Armed with this knowledge, you will be able to build a plugin for any library so that you can trace your very own system, or simply throw a pull request and join in on an open-source community.


All those who were curious about how java agents work, as well as those interested in the application performance monitoring (APM) tool, will find the workshop interesting. The workshop covers a wide range of topics - from bytecode instrumentation to distributed tracing, and the audience will be able to gain first-hand experience into seeing how the different topics come together to run an APM tool.


在 Windows PowerShell 中执行:

choco install git jdk8

git clone https://github.com/pinpoint-plugin-workshop/pinpoint-plugin-workshop.git ~/Desktop/PinPoint

cd ~/Desktop/PinPoint
./mvnw install -Dmaven.test.skip=true

或在 Mac OS X Terminal 中执行:

brew install git
brew cask install java8

git clone https://github.com/pinpoint-plugin-workshop/pinpoint-plugin-workshop.git ~/Desktop/PinPoint

cd ~/Desktop/PinPoint
./mvnw install -Dmaven.test.skip=true

Jeong HyunGil


Naver Corporation - Software Developer
Pinpoint - Committer

Pinpoint maintainer since 2015, a software engineer at Naver trying to make life a bit easier for developers around the world.

Based on his experience with open source Pinpoint, he has been a presenter at several national and international open-source conferences.

Intelligence In Ads (IIA) introduction and beyond

技术类别 内容难度 演讲语言
大数据、广告系统 入门 汉语

Intelligence In Ads (IIA) is a critical web infrastructure for advertising based monetization. It is a cloud platform that adds intelligence to a plain Ad System by analyzing user and other data. It is a fundamental component in a modern competitive Ads System.

Hu Xun

Futurewei Technologies - Engineering Lead

Senior Engineering Leader of Futurewei Technologies, a subsidiary of Huawei.

  • Xun Hu received his B.S. degree from University in China of in late 80’s, and his joint M.S. degree from University in China and Washington University (US), all in Computer Science.
  • Between 1999 and 2009, he served with Yahoo! Inc. as different roles, from senior engineer to leading architect, and product manager. He was the initial developer in Yahoo! Display ad team .
  • From 2009 to 2012, as Engineer director of Huawei Device USA, Device Cloud BU, he led an engineering team to develop Huawei Nextgen Ad System (HiAd).
  • From 2012 to 2016, as Sr. Engineer Manager in eBay advertising division to develop eBay data management platform (DMP).
  • From 2009 to present, as Sr. Engineer Leader of Futurewei Technologies Consumer Cloud Service, he led an engineering team to develop Huawei IMS/IIA.
  • He holds several US patents related to display ad system.

教你如何使用 bRPC 快速搭建一个高性能的 RPC 服务

技术类别 内容难度 演讲语言
后端服务 入门 汉语

Apache bRPC (incubator) 是一个企业品质的高性能 RPC 框架,使用 C++ 语言编写,目前百度内每天有百万的实例在运行。为了让大家更熟悉它的使用,举行这次 workshop,让同学们可以在短时间内使用它搭建出一个简单但是高性能的 RPC 服务出来。


百度开源社区 - 负责人
Apache 基金会 - Committer


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