COSCon'23 Call for Speakers


一年一度的开源盛会,COSCon'23 第八届中国开源年会,将于10月28~29日四川成都市高新区菁蓉汇召开!

The yearly open source event, COSCon'23 8th Annual China Open Source Conference, will be taken place on 28th~29th October at Jingronghui, Chengdu Hi-Tech Zone, Sichuan Province

我们预期会有超过1600人现场参与这次盛会,还会有超过1万名在线的观众,热切围观。感谢许多社区伙伴、企业伙伴和志愿者,携手促使这样规模的 COSCon 诞生。

We anticipate that over 1,600 individuals will attend the event in person, with an additional 10,000 tuning in online. We express our gratitude to the numerous community partners, corporate partners, and volunteers who worked in unison to enable an occasion of such size and grandeur.


The two-day conference will cover a wide range of topics, including Artificial Intelligence, Open Source Business, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Blockchain, IoT(Internet of Things), Open Source Education, Open Source Culture, Open Source Governance, Open Source Hardware, Open Source Operating Systems, Programming Languages, Women's Forums,  Open Source Philanthropy, Web Application Development, Open Source Toolkits and Lightening Talks. We would love to hear your success stories and both positive and negative experiences related to free/open source. We sincerely invite your participation! 

一如往常,COSCon'23 征求各式各样与自由/开源相关的演讲,欢迎各方大神于9月15日前透过讲师征集令报名,在经过社区审稿后,预定于10月上旬公布完整的议程。这是一个倡导开放的研讨会,所有演讲将录影并以 CC BY-SA 4.0(知识共享协议,署名 - 相同方式共享 4.0 国际)分享给所有观众。如果您的演讲有任何不能录影或不愿以上述知识共享协议条款分享的状况,请于讲师征集令上注明。

As usual, COSCon'23 invites a diverse range of free and open source related presentations. Submissions are welcome through the Call for Speakers until 15th September. The full agenda will be released in early October after reviewing. This is an open seminar, and all presentations will be recorded and shared with the audience under the licence of CC BY-SA 4.0 (Creative Commons, Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International). If there are any circumstances where your presentation cannot be recorded or you do not wish to share it under the terms of the above Creative Commons Licence, please indicate this on the Call for Speakers.

在“后新冠时代”的第一年,我们将采用“烽火模式”,即在主会议后再在有意向的城市举办 After Party,将全球聚集而来“开源火种”在全国传递,以促进各个城市的开源文化传播和开源人交流。目前拟举办 After Party 的有北京、上海、成都等城市,如果您愿意参加 After Party 的开源人聚会与分享,也请在征集令中注明能够成行的时间与想去的城市。

In the first year of the "Post New Crown Era", we will implement the "Beacon Mode". This entails organising an After Party in cities of interest following the main conference, in order to share the "Open Source Spark" collected from all over the world and to facilitate the propagation of open source culture and the exchange of individuals involved in open source in each city across the country. We will adopt the "beacon model" by organizing an After Party in key cities following the main conference. This will enable the dissemination of the "open source flame" gathered worldwide throughout the country, thereby fostering the propagation of open source culture and facilitating the exchange of open source individuals in each city. Currently, the After Party for open source enthusiasts will be hosted in Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, and additional cities. If interested in attending, please specify the desired date and location in the proposal submission.

Registration Deadline:

Friday 15 September 2023

Full Agenda Scheduled Publication Date:

Early October

Formal date for organisation:

28-29 October

Lecturer Registration :


翻译 | 谭乔之


COSCon'23 开源市集:共赴一场草坪上的开源派对
